Marathon Business Development Group Now Dramatically Expands Its Services For Personal Injury Law Firms Or Plaintiffs Law Firms Wishing To Grow Their Practice Areas
The Marathon Business Development Group is dramatically expanding their services designed to assist a personal law firm, or plaintiffs law firm grow their law practice, or to expand their law practice in their existing practice areas, or into new areas. The group says, “What most personal injury law firms, plaintiffs law firms, or law firms in general fail to recognize is consumers want legal services that are local. So if its a personal injury victim, a catastrophic injury, a products liability problem, a wrongful death, an innocent victim of a horrific automobile accident, estate planning, a bankruptcy, or even a national recall on a defective drug, or medical product, the first place a victim will look is local.” The group says, “People need personal injury attorneys, and or plaintiffs law firms for a million different reasons, and contrary many critics, personal injury, or plaintiffs attorneys play a vital role in keeping big companies, or insurers honest. The biggest problem we see with many personal injury law firms, or plaintiffs law firms is they don’t take advantage of areas where there might be the greatest need, and they don’t exploit their strengths. Branding a personal injury law firm, or helping a personal injury law firm, or plaintiffs attorneys expand their practice area in their local area, or region is what we do, we are extremely effective, we are passionate about our work, and typically one new client more than pays for our very affordable services.” Marathon Business Group is all about branding a service, and then building that brand on the Internet, so a potential client or customer knows exactly who to call, or where to get the help they need. For more information please contact the Marathon Business Group at 713-724-2010, or contact the group via its web site at http://MarathonBusinessGroup.Com
(PRWEB) January 17, 2012
The Marathon Business Development Group specializes in assisting personal injury, or plaintiffs law firms improve their branding, or will assist a personal injury law firm expand its brand into new practice areas, with an affordable branding service, that typically pays for itself, with one new client. Aside from assisting a law firm re-brand itself with an up to date and relevant web site, Marathon’s key strength is crafting a message, and targeting the right client/consumer groups in order to better showcase the law firm’s strengths, and skills. The group says, “We are in the branding and initiative business, we are team players, and we never lose sight of the goal growing the practice of our law firm client. Typically a personal injury law firm, or a plaintiffs law firm can dramatically benefit from our services, by allowing us to better brand, and showcase their skill sets in their local market, or region.” The Marathon Business Group says, “It’s tragic, but many to most personal injury, or plaintiffs law firms do not fully take advantage of their skills, or they fail to get the message out about their capabilities to the general public in their area. We are in the business of putting our law firm clients on the map, in significant and meaningful ways.” For more information please contact the Marathon Business Group at 713-724-2010, or contact the group via their web site athttp://MarathonBusinessGroup.Com
Marathon’s standard law firm business development package includes the following:
- A very detailed report on the law firms existing web site’s relevance, and areas where it can be improved. To Marathon, a web site is the first impression an individual, potential customer, or potential client gets of a law firm, so they think it is vital to have the best possible web site.
- Marathon will create four national press releases designed to put the areas of practice, or areas where a personal injury law firm has expertise on the map, in such a way that new clients/customers will find the law firm, and make contact. These press releases are specifically designed to let people know what services the law firm offers, and areas where the law firm has the types of expert legal skills the potential client seeks. These press releases are also designed to dramatically improve a law firm’s web placement in the local area, or in the areas the firm has practice capabilities.
Another unique service the Marathon Business Group can offer a law firm is agility. The group says, “We can have a press release out in less an hour for our law firm client. We are on call 24-7 for our law firm clients. If a significant event happens, such as a major drug, or product recall, a new product liability issue, a significant verdict, or a new class action, that effects consumers, and the law firm wants branding on the issue, we make sure our client is at, or near the top of the list of who to call, in their specific area, or region, with very targeted press releases.” There is no group, or organization in the US offering a more comprehensive service for law personal injury, or plaintiffs law firm.http://MarathonBusinessGroup.Com